Friday, December 3, 2010

A surprised twist

I logged on to my accounts today and I was contacted by the most interesting man. We spent like 5 hours talking and laughing, we have so much in common. I am actually really sad he lives nearly 3 hrs away.

I dropped Mr.Book a "I really enjoyed the other night" email, we shall see how he responds.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Mr. Hunter ad a heart to heart chit chat

Well, i just had a convo with Mr.Hunter who has been kinda flakey recently.

He stated that the main reason he was taking a while to move forward is the fact Mr.Moron is in the picture. Well he is my son's father. He will be forever in the picture. He also knows and is fine with my current "seeking SD" status. Mr.Hunter had another SB once before whos ex came in the picture and harnessed him. So he is a little weary.

Just as a personal policy I take my discretion VERY seriously. All SD numbers ect that I keep in my phone are kept under a special setting that takes a password to unlock. Their names are the same as you see here. Mr.Hunter is in my phone as Mr.Hunter. I can normally keep the fake name straight with the real name in person, but I will say my saving grace is that I am known for calling people, even people I don't know hunny or darlin' My phone is also kept is a secure place at all times, in my bra actually. I think I would know if some one is trying to take my phone huh? My personal laptop is the only place I contact them, and I change the password weekly, along with the passwords to my SB websites.

Why the need for the "extreme" measures?   Well I have three words for you "nosy older brothers" I learned very early on to value my privacy, and how to ensure it. walking into the kitchen when you are a fresh teenager and seeing all three older brothers and your step-mom reading the private notes about your "one true love" you passed between yourself and your best friend in class earlier, well it is NOT fun and it wisens you up FAST.

The other point is well, he normally goes for stick girls. And that just pisses me off. I keep recent, as in the past two weeks, photos of myself on my profile. It is listed as ample/curvy. I never led him to believe, or any one for that matter, that I was waif-like. Hell, he said he was 6 foot, well let me tell ya something, I am 5'3 and in 3 inch heels, I SHOULD NOT BE THE SAME DAMN HIGHT AS HIM!!!!!!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Flavor of the South

Well I just got home from dinner with Mr.Book. I think it went well and we had a awful lot of fun. we laughed and laughed. I apparently gave him lots to think about and towards the end he was even placing his hands over mine, and in the car he rested his hand on my thigh a number of times. So I think it will be moving forward. We did not discuss an allowance in numbers but he did inform me on the next date I would receive money, so yay. I am weary now, long night. plus the first night of SNOW and my nicest pair of shoes a pair of peep toes.

On the off hand Mr.Gun called me today and when I called him back we had a nice convo. I am going to invite him over for fun later.

Getting ready for Mr. Book

Well has now called 2x to chit chat and confirmed. He is rather sweet actually and I smile when ever I see his name on my caller id.

We are going to a place that serves food from the South, so I am super excited. Well I just got out of the shower, time to finish getting ready.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Some more coco and chit chat

Well today I met with Mr. Bear. We went to have "coffee" You know I hate that expression, I actually hate coffee, but I do like coffee milk. SO I always get Hot Coco or something.

Any way. I though it went great, he even opened the doors for me and all. We kept laughing and it was a blast. I thought he was very cute. After we parted ways and I had been home a while, we chatted a bit and he wanted to talk about "us" Turns out, I remind him of his daughter. Allot. and it would be too odd to be with me, even though he was attracted to me. So even though he is a lovely man, Mr.Bear is no more.

On a creepy note, Mr. Dog sent me a text today, this is a direct quote "How are your magnificent breasts doing? " How creepy is that? I never even met the man.

Now my Yay moment of the day. Mr.Book called again today. He is such a sweet man, I forget there is a 47 year difference in age between us. We talked about where we were going to dinner, and how sweet is this. He is taking me to a place that serves real southern food because I am from TX and mentioned I missed the food from back home. I said it completely in passing and forgot I even said it. I am very excited for Wends!

K thats all for now.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Chit Chat Chit Chat

Okay so update on Mr.Bear. Apparently he got really gassy and didn't want to kill me with killer fumes. I say thanks to that one. It could be a red flag, but as soon as we were both online he was very very sorry and  made plans with me tomorrow. So he is getting another chance. We each had a bit of a crappy day, so no big. He asked what I was doing, and I told him I was window shopping on Amazon as its my stress relief and  talking to him. He asked what sort of things I was looking at or if he could see my wish list. So I sent it to him. We discovered we have a shared love of photography because I have a very nice camera on my list. So we had a lively convo about digital vs film. He also liked my jewelry choices and that sparked a convo on the origin of black diamonds. Very Fun. Even more so was his horror that I had my camera worth 1k stolen earlier this year. And the hint that Santa like Bad Girls. It was a very tasteful aside though, and didn't raise my hackles at all. Looking up for him to say the least.

I had a short convo with Mr.Hunter as well. He is also getting sick. Hmmm I smell a poof.

Now the one I am super excited about! Mr.Book called me. He was so sweet and charming. He is back on the market due to him long term SB deciding to fade from his life after 2 years. He is such a sweet heart. And get this...he is most attracted to the fact I understand the difference between plural and singular and don't dangle my participles. Note to self, never show him my blog. While I can write with elegance and such but, as this is a blog just for me, I don't give a damn. I try and treat my blogs as "mind to paper" How I think it, is how I write it. Any who, we have a another phone date for tomorrow and we are meeting for dinner on Wen. So Yay. I can tell he has been around the sugar bowel before and knows what to expect. Yay.

I also had a convo with Mr.Dog. He is getting a NEXT! He seems nice. Maybe it is because he is new to the sugar worlds, but he is coming off as treating my like a hooker. which I am not. He took forever to beable to say what range he was okay with, ending at 600 a month for a 2x a month visit. Not bad at all. But then jumped into not wanting to spend a lot at a hotel. hmmm. I don't think he will be a good SD. He is so sexually driven. I just don't know.

I have also been chatting with a man I will call Mr.Law because he is a lawyer. Original I know right. Anywho, he is a sweet heat and another charmer, he is 68 and very lively. Not to much to report, we have loose plans for the week end.

Bad news on Mr.Gun, he is in the hospital due to complications of an old injury. So prayers please.

Well thats it for me atm.

Flakes and Speedys

Well Mr.Bear flaked, blamed a tummy bug. We shall see.

New guy emailed me today. his name is Mr.Speedy. Not sure what he does or what he likes, want to meet me really fast. I normally would not do so, but I am bored today. So maybe.

Who I am and what I do.

This is my own personal account on looking for a SD,  the ups and downs and in betweens.

I am not writing this as a guide or a how-to. This is just me and my thoughts. Who knows maybe at the end of this journey I will print the whole thing off and hide in a stuffy book and re-read it and re-live it when I am 80.

So first. How I can to want to be a Sugar Baby. Well first I guess I should define what a Sugar Baby is, to me. In my opinion, and I don't care if you agree or not, a Sugar Baby is a person who agrees to be with a wealthy person and have one goal to fufill. Thier "job" is to preove thier Suger Daddy/Mamma with a safe place to relax and let the stress of the world melt away. In return thier Sugar Daddy/Mamma spoils them. Some times this means giveing of expensive gifts or trips, or even paying a few bills. Why do they do this? Well they are so happy to have a relaxing place to unwind that is free of drama, they want to keep it around and running smoothly.

Okay so back to why I am a Sugar baby. Well I have bills, and due to some bad choices not much of an education. I worked very hard for everything I ever had and even worked multiple jobs when I was younger and had no need to do so. I have built up a resume in Customer Service that would make anyone proud, BUT due to a poor choice in mates, I ended up with a looser and had a kid with him. Now heres the thing, I went right back to work, but due to the looser moronity kept getting called away and needing to call in. My perfect record of job attendee went out the window and my quality of work suffered. I finally had to quit my last job, a job I LOVED as it was out of the food service world and into retail, because the moron kept have mental breakdowns, and as he is the sole care taker of the child when I go out to work. Well it was not far to my current job that I never knew if I was going to be called away or not. In future posts I will call the looser. Mr. Moron.

Well I have bills to pay and my name has been shot to hell. Whats a girl to do. Well I though back to my days as arm candy in Dallas.  I was never called a Sugar Baby, but looking back thats what I was. I ate at the best restaurants and moved in high circles because I was pretty. Well I figured what the hell, maybe some one out there will pay the damn bills for me. So, I set out on my journey to find a Sugar Daddy.

I joined a few sites and had different lvls of success on each of them. By far the one site I place above all others is Ladies, it is completely free for us. I mean completely free. You have complete access to all features including mail as long as you post a complete profile and a photo.

Well nuff bout that,

So far I have begun talking with a few men. They are as follows.

#1 I call him Mr.Hunter. He is a moderately wealthy man who has a shrew for a wife. We met over coffee and coco and had a pleasant time. He is about 20+ years my senior. He is not bad looking at all, easy on the eyes. And very fun to be around. He has offered me an allowance of $600 a month and additional funds if needed. He is in the maybe file.

#2 Is a Business man of some sort. I shall call him Mr.Bear. Well Mr.Bear is also very easy on the eyes. Enjoys travel and we have many of the same interests. We are having our first meeting tomorrow.  I will report on how that goes as well. His offer is when we see each other I tell him what is going on in my life and he responds with and offer of help. I am not crazy about this idea, but I am willing to work it out. He claims to be worth 10mill, but he can't have a motel charge in his name because his wife keeps and eye on the statements. Hmmm well we shall see.

#3 I am calling him Mr.Book and he I am gaga over. He is a very very wealthy author, yes I googled him. He emailed me with the email provided by his ISP, so it lends some truth to his story. He is 70 years old and actually very handsome. He is calling me tomorrow and I am crossing my fingers as to a positive reception.

#5 Is a Buissness man from about an hour away. I am calling him Mr.Dog cause he is as horney as a hound dog. I am really unsure about him, I will keep you informed.

#6 Well I have no clue what he does, He live across the way in Canada, but seems very sweet. We chatted threw some emails, and he is sooo slow at typing lol. He will be Called Mr.Oh. He is new to the Sugar Bowl. I did mention window shopping on Amazon because he asked what I was doing up so late and he offered to buy me a present right away, odd. Down side, he had to go right after saying it. But did express interest in chatting more later today, So yes a red flag has been raised, but I will go ahead and wait it out. My gut is telling me there is more than what meets the eye here.

And that is it really.

Now I will tell you about my non-Sugar crush. He is Mr.Gun, and I am half in lust with him already. He is big and strong and we have so much in common and he is not girly like Mr.Moron.

SO what am i looking for in my arrangement if I had my perfect one.

Well I want my bills paid in full, so cash needed is $800. If i get just that I will be in heaven,
I would like a bit of spending money though so I am aiming for $1k a month.
I want to be remembered on Christmas, V-day and my B-day.

In all reality I would love to have a single SD with a monthly allowance of 3k.