Sunday, November 28, 2010

Chit Chat Chit Chat

Okay so update on Mr.Bear. Apparently he got really gassy and didn't want to kill me with killer fumes. I say thanks to that one. It could be a red flag, but as soon as we were both online he was very very sorry and  made plans with me tomorrow. So he is getting another chance. We each had a bit of a crappy day, so no big. He asked what I was doing, and I told him I was window shopping on Amazon as its my stress relief and  talking to him. He asked what sort of things I was looking at or if he could see my wish list. So I sent it to him. We discovered we have a shared love of photography because I have a very nice camera on my list. So we had a lively convo about digital vs film. He also liked my jewelry choices and that sparked a convo on the origin of black diamonds. Very Fun. Even more so was his horror that I had my camera worth 1k stolen earlier this year. And the hint that Santa like Bad Girls. It was a very tasteful aside though, and didn't raise my hackles at all. Looking up for him to say the least.

I had a short convo with Mr.Hunter as well. He is also getting sick. Hmmm I smell a poof.

Now the one I am super excited about! Mr.Book called me. He was so sweet and charming. He is back on the market due to him long term SB deciding to fade from his life after 2 years. He is such a sweet heart. And get this...he is most attracted to the fact I understand the difference between plural and singular and don't dangle my participles. Note to self, never show him my blog. While I can write with elegance and such but, as this is a blog just for me, I don't give a damn. I try and treat my blogs as "mind to paper" How I think it, is how I write it. Any who, we have a another phone date for tomorrow and we are meeting for dinner on Wen. So Yay. I can tell he has been around the sugar bowel before and knows what to expect. Yay.

I also had a convo with Mr.Dog. He is getting a NEXT! He seems nice. Maybe it is because he is new to the sugar worlds, but he is coming off as treating my like a hooker. which I am not. He took forever to beable to say what range he was okay with, ending at 600 a month for a 2x a month visit. Not bad at all. But then jumped into not wanting to spend a lot at a hotel. hmmm. I don't think he will be a good SD. He is so sexually driven. I just don't know.

I have also been chatting with a man I will call Mr.Law because he is a lawyer. Original I know right. Anywho, he is a sweet heat and another charmer, he is 68 and very lively. Not to much to report, we have loose plans for the week end.

Bad news on Mr.Gun, he is in the hospital due to complications of an old injury. So prayers please.

Well thats it for me atm.

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